Friday, 20 April 2012

Agnostic point of view

In recent weeks I have been inundated with the subject of religion and throughout this I have been questioning my own beliefs and thoughts on the matter. And now I feel that I should make a comment about it. 
The influence of religion is everywhere. For those who are agnostic or an atheist it may feel like its being pushed down their throat. Where ever I am I see a preacher in the corner. Everyone I know has an opinion about it. I hear it in my music, I see it in gangs, I taste it in my food that's been religiously blessed before I consume it.

Before I say things that might offend certain religious individuals I'd like to say that I have nothing against it. I am baptised Catholic, my mum is a strong believer and I attended church regularly as a child with my grandma. Most of my close friends are Muslims but as an adult I have become agnostic.

I'm not here to randomly rant about religion because this post is also linked to fashion as well! When I saw the work of LCF graduate Jennifer F M Murray and read her insightful interview by Dazed Digital her words and collection 'Cirque d'Amen' resonated exactly with what I think of the current situation and my views in religion specially of the Catholic Church and my distrust of the head grew since the scandals of child abuse in the 80's that had surfaced in 2010 and not just that but even way back when from watching film The Magdalene Sister based on true events (good film you guys should watch). All bad press of course leads me to question religion even more but I know it should not be seen as that in general, unfortunately those individuals gives a bad reputation/association with the good of religion. 

Murray's menswear graduate collection Cirque d'Amen is around the questioning of the Catholic Church and how it feels more to her as a 'circus' than a religious institution and that her concept is "If Jesus were the Ringmaster and the Pope resembled the status of White Face Joe Clown..."

Her inspirations are clearly shown and well balanced throughout. The voluptuous shapes and cuts taken both from traditional clown circus costumes and clerical uniforms turned into modern aesthetics. I really like the regality of her pieces too with the use of fur, gold brocade, embroidery and embellishment. Those tapestry inspired shoes are amazing which I wouldn't mind owning another pair to go with my similarly styled ballet pumps.

This is another small example of what I find quite fascinating in how religion is often used in the media as inspiration to either manipulate, encourage or discourage peoples perception of religion. I remember this recent ad for United Colours of Benetton...  

...what else do you expect from a brand who always produce controversial campaigns and are always portraying current political issues. And there are plenty more  examples in the social media where religion is being exploited. 
Showcasing different meanings must be confusing for those who knows nothing about it and I find myself for one. It's funny how this subject has been brought up around me a lot again lately as for my Uni dissertation I covered "Religion: Fashion statement" and how it no longer has become a deep personal commitment etc. All this talk and exploitation of the subject unfortunately deducts the true meaning and aim of a faith. 

I had an interesting conversation with colleagues at work the other day one who is also a good friend of mine. We talked about her beliefs in Islam and my none religious beliefs. It was interesting how we contradicted each other but also at the same time had exact values and both agreed that the core teachings of any religion are all the same and I follow those core teachings so in that aspect am I religious?! No not exactly because I don't believe all the dogma that is associated in any religion. And to be part of that religion you have to also follow those and I have a hard time believing it so I'd rather not be religious than be false and pretentious. 
Perhaps then mine is more about moral self discipline/belief and it is sometimes hard to do because I have no outlet to concentrate it on for example in the form of a God?! I've always seen religion as a form of focus and there to provide the teachings of life and shows examples of how to lead a good one. These examples are shown in the form of stories which I see it written in the respected religious books- these I see as book of teachings!  I feel that there is some form of... I don't know spiritual belief of some sort as I kinda do believe in Karma so perhaps thats my religion. Now talking about 'spiritual self belief' how about scientology? Well I don't know anything about it so I can't even comment or link myself or anything to it.

Anyway there are sooo much to discuss, debate and cover on this subject specially for me as I am trying to understand religion in general or perhaps am still contemplating whether it is something I believe in or not. For now I am an agnostic and who knows if this will change. I am pretty happy with my beliefs. Maybe if fashion was a religion then I'll be an extremist but then if this was its god… 

...I will probably have trouble worshiping. Imagine!!

I think some people need to strip everything else down and find only the goodness of religion. For those who judges another religion and thinks it wrong or just opposes it, it's purely because they don't know about that religion and only knows what has been portrayed in society and unfortunately it is more negative. 

Today I watched an interview of photographer Juergen Teller and he said something that is parallel to my feelings of self belief...
"I think you make up your own rules, it's so easy to fall into this trap of religion and political correctness and you cannot do this or you cannot do that. I think if you make up your moral grounds of what's right or wrong you can live a free life." 
Free life? Isn't that what we all aspire to, in the good sense.