I'm ecstatic!! I'm elighted... what ever it is I feel like having a heart attack cos my heart feels joyous and almost can't handle it- I'm perpiring like hell because of this- most probably due to this heat!
Yaaaay I'm having such a great day so far... just heard from a long lost friend from Japan and she's visiting this August and another friend will be visiting in September -fun times ahead!!
The day is shining and hot and will be the same tommorrow for a surprise bday day out for a friend. Attending two- not 1 but 2 bday do's today then off to see my love and can't wait to cruise in his new car!
Two styling shoot coming up next month.
I am sooo looking forward in doing this big shoot with Ludo aswell as Luke!
Been so busy trying to organise it- Got some amazing young designers involved- the team is getting together! Yay yay yay :)
Keep you posted soon!
Wauw sounds amazing!